Tougher Rye-Grass Mixes
For back lawn and more hard wearing projects
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(HARD WEARING MIX)A top quality dwarf perennial rye blend for rapid establishment, and then a slow regrowth after the first cutting, Ideal for hard wearing lawns and winter sports pitches. (It has a fast recovery rate)
(HARD WEARING MIX)This has become a very popular selling mix, lower in price but still gives a really good quality hard wearing lawn. Suitable for lawns and play areas (recovers quickly from constant use from the kids or pets) where value for money is important.
For quick establishing lawns and landscaping projects.
(HARD WEARING MIX)Recommended for areas that are frequently used by children and pets. This hard wearing lawn is quick to establish. This has become a very popular selling mix, good value for money but still gives a really good quality hardwearing lawn. Suitable for lawns and play areas
(recovers quickly from constant use from the kids or pets) For quick establishing lawns and landscaping projects.
Stay-Green (*new name)Becoming Our best selling Lawn Seed This is a tough and Unique mixture containing specially bred grasses that provides a resilient lawn that withstands dry, wet and shaded conditions. This development in breeding has not been replicated by any other seed company and is therefore unique. Stay-Green is the perfect grass seed mixture for those who desire a hard -wearing lawn that also has a consistent formal green appearance all year round.
A true all rounder good and tough enough to take a bashing from the kids & pets (if left slightly longer) for your back garden yet will take close mowing to get that smart stripe roller effect to show off your front lawnThis Premium Quality Lawn is becoming a very popular selling mix, An all rounder good and tough enough to take a bashing from the kids & pets (if left slightly longer) for your back garden yet will take close mowing to get that smart stripe roller effect to show off your front lawn and still take a certain amount of traffic (wear)
(Designed to recover from constant use)
So-GreenBecoming Our best selling Lawn Seed This is a tough and Unique mixture containing specially bred grasses that provides a resilient lawn that withstands dry, wet and shaded conditions. This development in breeding has not been replicated by any other seed company and is therefore unique. S0-Green is the perfect grass seed mixture for those who desire a hard -wearing lawn that also has a consistent formal green appearance all year round.
Non Rye-Grass Mixes
For front lawn and show type lawn projects
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SHADED LAWN MixA Non Rye-grass Seed Mix Which Is Deeper Rooted To Find Moisture In Shaded Or Dryer Areas Of Your Garden Perfect for shaded areas and gardens It contains a specially selected mixture of grass seeds for use in areas of partial or full shade. This seed is designed to produce a resilient lawn that withstands wet and dry conditions in any shaded or dry area of your garden.
FINE LAWNThis Is A Non Ryegrass Top Quality Seed Mix, Which Is Designed To Be Used On Areas Such As Front or Show Lawns Where maybe there is Not Going To Be So Much Use and wear as Some Of Our Tougher Mixes, Produces A Lush Green Tight Looking Lawn That Will Tolerate Close Mowing. (Ideal to get that sort after striped effect when cutting with a mower with a roller)
PREMIUM FINE LAWNThis Is A Non Ryegrass Top Quality Seed Mix, Which Is Designed To Be Used On Areas Such As Front or Show Lawns When once established it will also tolerate a fairish amount of wear This Mix Will Produce A Lush Green Tight Looking Lawn That Will Tolerate Close Mowing. (Ideal to get that sort after striped effect when cutting with a mower with a back roller)
This is a specially designed seed mix which creates a superb ornamental lawn giving that look like a high performance bowling green. Once it is established it will tolerate very close mowing. Produces a very high quality lawn which is down to using the best quality seed Creates a tight looking show type lawn giving that sort after striped look when cut with the right lawn mower.
Easy - Lazy Lawn
This Quality Mix Contains
Strong Creeping Red Fescue
For Binding the lawn together.
Highland Browntop
Creates a more compact appearance and helps retain its colour over winter.
Hard Sheeps Fescue
Makes your lawn more heat and drought tolerant
Chewings Fescue
Fine leaved, densely tufted, tolerates close mowing.
Easy - Lazy Lawn
Produces a very high quality lawn which is down to using the best quality seed Creates a tight looking show type lawn giving that sort after striped look when cut with the right lawn mower.Slower growing mix so you dont have to cut your lawn so often.
Lincolnshire Garden Supplies